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live classes

recorded CLASSES

Mon., Weds., Fri. 8:45 am Stretch Class (Zoom)

Join this thirty-minute-long stretch class to wake up your body and explore various movements, focusing on where you're tight and releasing tension. Monday we use a strap(or tie,rope,etc.) Wednesday is more active and standing, Friday is just more a combo of stretching techniques. cost $10 per person


Restorative  workshop (in person) July 16th 202, 3:30 - 5:00 pm), Milestone Wellness Center, room D. cost $35 per person - call to make reservation 502-896-3900.  Max. 12 people.

4 series of Beginning Yoga
4 series of Core Integrated Yoga

These series of classes build on each other, starting with basic and moving to more challenging poses as you go on. 
Beginning Yoga will start with standing poses that to bring strength and stamina to your hips and stability to the lower back.  As we go further I will introduce twists, balance and strengthening poses. 
Core Integrated series explores more of what is going on in your core through your poses.
Once purchased not only can you take them anytime you would like, but you also can take these classes as often as you would like.
If you are interested in purchasing either or both series please contact me below under
"Let's Talk" is my contact information. Cost $100


YouTube classes

Access my public YouTube channel below for a library of quick stretches/workouts that will simultaneously challenge your fitness and de-stress your body. â€‹

Take a class

You will need an invite to take a class.  Send me you email under "let's talk". Payment options are below.  Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Venmo: @Cindy-Cummins-5

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